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Take too many pictures. Laugh too much. Dance like nobody is watching.
"There's nothing worse than a sharp picture of a fuzzy concept"... Ansel Adams

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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Playing with a toy frog.... Posted by Picasa

:o) Posted by Picasa

Here is an elephant Madi made in school.....She said she colored it "grape"!! Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 26, 2005

She's pretending her poncho is hair!! And she's trying to kill a bug!!:o) Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Just when I think I have this parenting thing down....reality comes into play.....Yesterday after school Ezekiel came home to tell us he had gotten a "ticket" from school....(a ticket is what they get for not following the rules, such as talking when you're not supposed to ect.)..First of all, I couldn't believe that my little boy got a ticket the first week of school! What he got it for is even more disheartning....He pushed a kid, and a girl at that! She was in his spot, and he pushed her! Later last night we got a call from a friend, and another students mother, saying she heard from a different teacher that our son was involved in a physical on the ground all out fighting fight!! So, I freaked. Robert called his teacher to find out what had happened, and she called the aid that seen it happen, and the aid called us, saying it wasn't that big of a deal, that Ezekiel pushed her, and she just happened to fall down, and she got up and pushed him back....that they are just learning the rules, and there are 60 kids out there playing at one time, and if they had been in first grade, then would have been sent to the office, but since they are in kindergarten, they feel it wasn't necessary....and she told us that he shouldn't even be punished at home, that's how little of a deal it thanks to the faculty that felt the need to gossip about my child to another students mother, and getting me worried that my kid was a bully!!! It still doesn't make it right that he felt it was ok to push another child.....parenting a school age child is gonna be harder than I thought!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

God gave me my sister Madilynn to watch over and protect....And in her I will grow to understand what my sister represents......God Gave my brother Ezekiel to guide me as he can..... In every question I may have, he'll lend his helping hand....

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Here's to my sister -- Remember everyday, No matter what I've said, Here's what I want to say... I will always love you, Be with you to the end... When no one else is around, I will be your friend. I love my sister And I always will... I'm proud to be your brother... That is how I feel... And someday when you're far away And the miles keep us apart I'm gonna whisper, I love my sister And pray you'll hear it in your heart........ Here's to my brother -- I love my brother And I always will.... I'm proud to be your sister. That is how I feel. And someday when we're far apart And the miles keep us apart, You will discover I love my brother And you'll know it in your heart .....
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Running off to the bus!! Last year his backpack seemed too big for him.... It was like he had on his daddy's shoes, just didn't look right. This year his backpack doesn't seem so big and out of place....It's like he grew up!:o) Posted by Picasa

Preschool....The first steps towards independence.....May you grow, learn, laugh lots, cry less and have lots of fun!!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Back from her first day of school!! She did really good! First thing she talked about was how she played with TJ....great!! Posted by Picasa

Wow! Madilynn's first day of school is here already!! As you can see, she's very excited. It's so weird sitting in my house with no kids, not to mention driving away from the school without Madilynn. You know that feeling you have when you think you forgot something??Well, I keep feeling like somethings missing! My house has never felt so empty!:( Posted by Picasa

AHHHH......Here we are at Madilynn's first day of school!! She's been looking forward to this day ever since Zeke started preschool!! Posted by Picasa

Playing before school!! Posted by Picasa

My last good bye!! I said bye to her about 10 times! I kept saying, "Madilynn, I'm leaving." She would just shake her head yes!! I guess I was expecting her to cry, or not want me to leave or something!! She did neither!! Posted by Picasa

They have to wash hands first thing.... Posted by Picasa

I thought she would be nervous her first day of school.....but never fear...she took TJ with her! (TJ is her imaginary friend!!) And here she is holding hands with TJ.... Posted by Picasa

Being silly!! Posted by Picasa

My angel!! Posted by Picasa

Madi and her backpack, or, pack kak as she calls it! Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 22, 2005

Madi Posted by Picasa

Playing "big house"!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A father is neither an anchor to hold us back...Nor a sail to take us there....but a guiding light whose love shows us the way... Posted by Picasa

From him she gets her courage...she thrives upon his praise....and sometimes takes advatage of his kind, loving ways.... Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Madilynn loves to sing and dance for us....she always has to wear that silly cowboy hat and boots....she sings about cowboys, and their horses falling in the mud! Today she was singing about how she lost her heart, and when she found it, it was really a baby...????My friend who is very pregnant was visiting yesterday, and i was telling Madi she had a baby in her belly....maybe that's where that came from!!!???!!??!!? Posted by Picasa

zeke Posted by Picasa

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