posted by ~*Jymelee*~ at 1/15/2006 02:53:00 PM
What webtsite do you go to to get your blinkies??
I emailed!!
I think you need to post more of those pictures of us partying! Especially the ones where Heather wet herself!
Thank's Jymelee!!!
You're welcome!
I can't figure out how to get the blinkies from my computer to my space without a code. :( Do you use a code for yours or just copy and paste once you've saved the blinkie to your computer?? I'm so confusing myself :P
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What webtsite do you go to to get your blinkies??
I emailed!!
I think you need to post more of those pictures of us partying! Especially the ones where Heather wet herself!
Thank's Jymelee!!!
You're welcome!
I can't figure out how to get the blinkies from my computer to my space without a code. :( Do you use a code for yours or just copy and paste once you've saved the blinkie to your computer?? I'm so confusing myself :P
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