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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Thirteen not so interesting things about jYMeLeE

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1~> After Robert played pool with Nick for 6 1/2 hours straight, my husband is officially better at pool than I am....Now I'm thinking it wasn't such a good idea to keep a tally of our wins!

2~> I finally got to see Flight Plan last night!! We could never find it in to rent, so Robert just bought it for me!

3~> My BIFIF and I get to hang out Saturday night!! How exciting!!
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4~> As of yesterday, I am the mom of a 6 year old!! Crazy!! Getting pregnant at 18 was a struggle. It meant sacrifice from both Robert and myself. He is so worth it! Every time he hugs me, I know I've done something right!
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Zeke's First Birthday!!

5~> Zeke is having his first birthday party that he will be inviting actual friends to! He's been to several parties for his classmates, so it should be fun for him to get to have friends over.

6~> I have nothing planned for them to do! I'm hoping that just playing together for a couple hours will be good enough!

7~> Seems as though everyone is having babies! My big sister is!! A boy! My friends sister is, A girl! An old friend from high school is having a girl.
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Me and my sisters...the baby is my brother Corben!!

8~> I miss High School! Maybe I just miss all my friends, and all the good times I had....seems like a lifetime ago!
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9~> My husbands dream is to surf once in the ocean....More inspiration to get the beach!

10~> I will be working on updating my childrens baby books today for their 4th and 6th birthdays....I write in them every year...It's neat to look back and see what I've wrote.

11~> When Zeke was a baby, I would write in his baby book all the time. Just sit and write while he was sleeping.

12~> Now I'm in the mood to watch home videos!

13~> I can't wear my wedding ring! The band is broke...well, cracked I guess, so I'm not wearing it until I get it fixed to prevent further breakage. (Is that a word? Amy, help me out here!!) It's weird not wearing it since I've had it since I was a senior in high school! 7 years!!

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Blogger aefryman said...

Breakage...sounds like a word to me! LOL...........But, so does Moneys! And the fact that surgeons may not be doctors, but they have the choice to be doctors if they want to!

February 04, 2006 12:47 PM  

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